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M O O N  C Y C L E S  P H A S E S

M O O N  C Y C L E S  A N D  P H A S E S

Following the cycles of the moon can help you work towards your goals, set intentions, aids with mindfulness and connects you to nature. Every moon phase is a checkpoint to your self-growth journey. There are eight moon phases during the Lunar cycle that we can work with.

We have created a Moon Candle Collection and Crystal Kits to light or to keep with you during these Moon Phases. Our crystal scented beeswax candles each have a description on each box to guide you through working with each Moon Phase. 


The New Moon is a great time to start something new. A new habit or a new project or goal. Think of the New Moon as a clean slate, where you can decide what path you would like to take. As the New Moon progresses to the Full Moon, you can work on areas of your life where you need more abundance. It is a good time to completely wind down, spend time alone and meditate. Take some time out in a quiet place and open your journal and be really specific about what you want to manifest in your life over the next 30 days. 

Crystals to work with during the time of the New Moon: 
Black Obsidian


During the time of the Waxing Crescent you should celebrate your wins and whatever you have achieved, whether they are small or big. During this phase the Moon begins to fill in after disappearing during the New Moon. Have you been wanting to achieve a goal? If so, this is the time to put in the work to manifest the goal or intention that you have set during the time of the New Moon. If you feel like you have gone off track, don't worry, celebrate that you can start again tomorrow with a fresh start.

Crystals to work with during the time of the Waxing Crescent:

Rose Quartz



Green Aventurine

Moss Agate


This is a time to work on your motivation, overcome procrastination, forgiveness and to let go of self-sabotaging behaviours. During this time, you may feel like you have lost motivation or battling will power for a project, but don’t judge yourself. This is the best time to acknowledge goals, rewrite to-do lists, create a vision board and reconnect to your vision of what you want in your life.

Crystals to work with during the time of the First Quarter:
Tigers Eye


This is the time to check in with yourself and think about what is working and what may need changing in order for you to achieve your goals and whether your timeline that you set to achieve this goal is still realistic. If it isn't, set a new timeline and practice daily affirmations and gratitude.

Crystals to work during the time of the Waxing Gibbous:


Tigers Eye

Black Obsidian



The Full Moon is an emotional time but also a time when we are naturally accelerated, energy is flowing and things will naturally come to a head. It is a great time to celebrate your wins over the past few weeks and express your gratitude for where you are in life right now and how far you have come.

Crystals to work with during the time of the Full Moon:


This is a time to release and let go of anything that may be holding you back from fulfilling your goals. As you go through life you always have to make compromises and sacrifices in order to achieve what you want out of life. Therefore, during this time, sit down with yourself and really dig deep and figure out what may be stopping you from moving forward, whether is negative self-talk, self-sabotaging behaviours and lack of motivation. Reliase, address and let go.

Crystals to work with during the Waning Gibbous:

Clear Quartz





This is your time to be ambitious…

During the time of the Third Quarter, allow yourself to really focus on your goals. Adjustments are required as the Third Quarter is a time to make space in order to receive, therefore, this week you are going to clear that space, and hold it for something better.

Crystals to work with during the time of the Third Quarter:
Black Obsidian
Black Tourmaline
Yellow Fluorite



Working on yourself is extremely hard yet so rewarding but this can be an exhausting process. During the time of the Waning Crescent, make sure you take some time out for yourself and allow yourself to feel self-love and thoroughly relaxed, as you deserve it after the hard work you have put in over the past three weeks or so.

Crystals to work with during the time of the Waning Crescent:




Blue Calcite

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